Sometimes you simply can't get to the vet or you have a really hard time finding a vet to see your animals. Did you know not all vets see chicken, ducks, or guinea fowl? So that is when have a good support system and a little common sense comes in to play. Join as many social media groups as you can on every different type of animal you have. Don't just join the ones with the cute baby sheep pictures. Also join the 911 poultry groups and any other vet or medical care groups you can find. Look you some YouTube videos on the subject don't just google. Most of all don't be scared to post and ask questions. Remember we are all in this together and trust me the abundance of love and out poor you will received will probably surprise you. Lastly, you better prepare your self a good first aid kits and load your self up with bravery because sometime it will be on you to save the day. Are you up to the challenge?
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